
Some notes about Ceph
Laurent Barbe @SIB

Object difference between RBD format1 and format2

Lets take a look how rbd object are store on rados and the difference between format 1 and format 2.

Format 1

$ rbd create myrbd --size=10 
$ rados ls -p rbd      

$ rbd map myrbd
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/rbd/rbd/myrbd
$ rados ls -p rbd …

Mon failed to start

Some common problems when adding a monitor to an existing cluster, for example if config is not found :

 $ service ceph start mon.ceph-03
 /etc/init.d/ceph: mon.ceph-03 not found (/etc/ceph/ceph.conf defines osd.2 , /var/lib/ceph defines osd.2)

If you do not …

RBD Image Real Size

[update] Since Ceph octopus (v15.2)

Use command "rbd du"

$ rbd du rbd/myrbd
NAME                   PROVISIONED  USED
myrbd                        4 TiB  1023 GiB

For previous version

To get the real size used by a rbd image :

rbd diff $POOL/$IMAGE | awk '{ SUM += $2 } END { print SUM/1024/1024 " MB" }'

For exemple …

Deep scrub distribution

To verify the integrity of data, Ceph uses a mechanism called deep scrubbing which browse all your data once per week for each placement group. This can be the cause of overload when all osd running deep scrubbing at the same time.

You can easly see if a deep scrub …

Ceph OSD : Where is my data ?

The purpose is to verify where my data is stored on the Ceph cluster.

For this, I have just create a minimal cluster with 3 osd :

$ ceph-deploy osd create ceph-01:/dev/sdb ceph-02:/dev/sdb ceph-03:/dev/sdb

Where is my osd directory on ceph-01 ?

$ mount | grep ceph
/dev/sdb1 …