
Some notes about Ceph
Laurent Barbe @Adelius / INRAE

Ceph Primary Affinity

This option allows you to answer a fairly constant worry in the case of heterogeneous cluster. Indeed, all the discs do not have the same performance or not the same ratio performance / size. With this option it is possible to reduce the load on a disk without reducing the amount of data it contains. Furthermore, the option is easy to modify because it does not result in data migration. Only preference between primary / secondary will be modified and propagated to clients.

Before playing with cluster options and tune crushmap, remember to verify that your client is compatible with those options.

You must enable 'mon osd allow primary affinity = true' on the mons before you can adjust primary-affinity. note that older clients will no longer be able to communicate with the cluster.

( For client kernel module you can have a look to http://cephnotes.ksperis.com/blog/2014/01/21/feature-set-mismatch-error-on-ceph-kernel-client. )

Look if the monitor has the primary affinity option:

# ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.*.asok config show | grep 'primary_affinity'
  "mon_osd_allow_primary_affinity": "false",

Edit ceph.conf dans add in section [mon]:

mon osd allow primary affinity = true

Reload mon and test. We look how many pg is primary on osd.0, and how many is secondary :

# ceph pg dump | grep active+clean | egrep "\[0," | wc -l
# ceph pg dump | grep active+clean | egrep ",0\]" | wc -l

Try to change primary affinity :

# ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 0.5
set osd.0 primary-affinity to 0.5 (8327682)

# ceph pg dump | grep active+clean | egrep "\[0," | wc -l
# ceph pg dump | grep active+clean | egrep ",0\]" | wc -l

# ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 0
set osd.0 primary-affinity to 0 (802)

# ceph pg dump | grep active+clean | egrep "\[0," | wc -l
# ceph pg dump | grep active+clean | egrep ",0\]" | wc -l

Now there will be no more reading on this OSD.

