Extend rbd drive with libvirt and XFS
First, resize the device on the physical host.
Get the current size :
$ qemu-img info -f rbd "rbd:rbd/myrbd"
Be careful, you must specify a bigger size, shrink a volume is destructive for the FS.
$ qemu-img resize -f rbd "rbd:rbd/myrbd" 600G
List device define for myVM :
$ virsh domblklist myVM
Resize libvirt blockdevice :
$ virsh blockresize --domain myVM --path vdb --size 600G
$ rbd info rbd/myrb
Extend xfs on guest :
$ xfs_growfs /mnt/rbd/myrbd
Extend rbd with kernel module
You need at least kernel 3.10 on ceph client to support resizing. For previous version look at https://blog.dachary.org/2013/07/30/ceph-rbd-live-resize-with-krbd/
Get current size :
$ rbd info rbd/myrbd
Just do :
$ rbd resize rbd/myrbd --size 600000
$ xfs_growfs /mnt/rbd/myrbd
Also, since cuttlefish you can't shrink a bloc device without specify additional option (–allow-shrink)